Chiropody | Podiatry| Orthotics | Footwear | Shoe Modifications

Victoria Square, Consort Way, HORLEY RH6 7AF
329, High Street, ROCHESTER ME1 1DA


Horley: 01293 734229
Rochester: 01634 914 065


Chiropody | Podiatry | Physio | Orthotics | Footwear | Orthopaedic Shoe Modifications

Victoria Square, Consort Way, HORLEY RH6 7AF
69-71 City Way, ROCHESTER ME1 2BA


Horley: 01293 734229
Rochester: 01634 914 065


Arthritic Ankle Treatment Package

Arthritic Ankle Treatment Package

Arthritic Ankle Pain? We can help….

There is life after ankle pain. We can help.

Our podiatrists have a great deal of experience in helping people walk better after ankle pain. If you have suffered ankle pain for more than a few months, had a diagnosis of severe osteoarthritis or even had an ankle joint fusion we can help.

We provide a treatment package for you including:

An initial assessment and foot scan with a senior podiatrist.

A fitting appointment with your podiatrist to fit a pair of comfortable custom orthotics made from a laser scan of your foot.

A pair of YDA or Joya shoes with a stiff shank and rocker sole or a light rocker sole modification to a pair of existing shoes.

A follow-up appointment included to fettle your shoes and foot orthoses.


Take your first steps towards more comfortable ankles, call us today on (01403) 276 272 

Or send us an email on our contact page here.


Ankle pain package – £599 inclusive

Custom Milled Orthotics can help –

  • Flexible but supportive & cushioned.
  • Help to increase shoe shank stiffness
  • Effectively bracing the foot & ankle from increased bending forces.
  • Protecting the mid-foot and arch from overloading/overbending
  • Can ease the pain when you are not wearing rocker-soled shoes.

YDA Shoes – Superlight / stiff shank/ mild rocker sole

Joya Shoes – stable rocker soled or super-cushioned soles with stiff shanks.

Split through rocker sole modification– increases shoe shank stiffness (suitable for trainers and walking shoes)

Rocker soles dramatically alter shock and bending forces at the ankle and lower limb…

Smoothing out forces within the foot & ankle during the footstep on the affected side.


Our podiatrist-led shoe and orthotic combination package has been very successful at reducing patients pain and getting post-op patients walking faster and earlier.

Charles Tovey, Chris Nelson and Gary Hadley, Senior Podiatrists at Bartholomew Way Clinic in Horsham lead this treatment package approach.

Take your first steps towards more comfortable feet & ankles, call us today and book with Charles or Gary on (01403) 276272

Or send us an email on our contact page here.



Our Rochester Practice Has Moved

Our Rochester Practice Has Moved

We are pleased to say that we have now moved to our new practice location in Rochester High Street (Intra) the Chatham side of the old Rochester Railway Station. Our direct neighbours are Lime House Thai Restaurant and Hillary's Electrolysis. Our new address is: 329,...

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Fungal infections of the toenails

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A common heel problem

A common heel problem

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Call us on 01293 734229 or 01634 914065 to ask a question or to book an appointment